Thursday, August 15, 2013

A watershed moment

Today is a watershed moment in Chez Stats. Child No.1 received his A level results, and to everyone's delight they were suitably good enough for him to be accepted at his first choice university, Reading in Berkshire to do Geography.

This means that in a couple of months time, we'll be rolling down the M4 from Cardiff, car laden with him plus whatever gumpf he wants and needs to take with him to start a new chapter in his life as a bonafide uni student.

It's an exciting, though probably also anxious stage in his life, but he'll settle down in the round of freshers events, make new friends and generally and hopefully enjoy his new found freedoms.

But it's also a new stage and chapter for me & Mrs H, and I suppose to a slightly lesser extent our 16 year old daughter. Jim has always been there - usually on the sofa in front of the TV, or in his room with his music and guitar, but from October he won't be. Ok, Reading isn't that far, and through the modern wonders that are Skype and Facetime we can probably video call him every day (if either party wants us to), but as is the way with these things, it'll never be the same as it has been.

That all sounds a bit gloomy, but it isn't meant to be. Sure, I reckon we'll mope around for a few days worrying about him, but he'll probably be out having a great time at the fresher's parties, the students union and other such stuff that kids do when they first go to uni.

And let's face it. It won't be long before his clothes need washing, or Cardiff City are playing a home game and either it'll be a quick pop up & down the motorway, or making use of is new student railcard.

Congratulations to him for getting the grades he needed. We're very proud of him. It'll be sad to see go, but to paraphrase  Arnie said...."He'll be back".

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