Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Dinas Powys CC start with a win

My cricket club got it's season off and running on Sunday with a 5 wicket win in a local friendly.

The weather at 10am when was doing some junior coaching was horrible, but it cleared up and turned into a glorious afternoon.

I'm not planning to play (much if at all) this year due to my dodgy (read knackered) knee. It was nice to be watching with a cold beer though.

The league season kicks off on Saturday, with the juniors starting next week. I'm praying for good weather, but frankly the forecast looks pants!

The Under 13 also got off to a winning start this evening, so we're 2 from 2.

You can follow all the goings on at www.dinaspowyscc.co.uk

Up the Dinas!

-- Post From My iPhone

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